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Airdropped aid packages kill five in Gaza

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Air-dropped aid packages struck and killed five Palestinians in Gaza after their parachutes failed to open properly, according to reports.
Footage circulating on social media appears to show several packages plummeting to the ground from a transport aircraft.
A US military cargo plane airdropped more than 11,500 meals to Gaza Friday in Washington’s fourth joint operation with Jordan this month to deliver urgently needed aid to the coastal territory.
But the US denied it had caused the deaths.
“The US did not cause the fatalities during our airdrop in Gaza,” a US defence official said.
Seperately, a Jordanian military source said none of the kingdom’s four aircraft that took part in the operation were involved in the fatalities. 
More than 70,000 meals have been delivered to Gaza over the past week by the US military in coordination with Jordan, Egypt and France.Earlier, Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, said Britain would work alongside the United States to open a maritime corridor to deliver aid directly to the enclave by sea. 
Aid officials have warned for months of looming famine in Gaza amid food shortages caused by border closures.
Today’s live coverage has ended. 
Eleven-year-old Jamila Khelah speaks to reporters as she recovers at home after being pulled from rubble after an airstrike. She was badly injured and was taken to hospital. Three of her siblings died in the strike. 
Israeli officials have discussed arming some civilians in Gaza to provide security protection for aid convoys into the besieged enclave, as part of wider planning for humanitarian supplies after fighting ends, the Israel Hayom daily said on Friday.
With civil order increasingly strained in Hamas-run Gaza and municipal police refusing to provide security to convoys because of the risk of being targeted by Israeli forces, the issue of secure distribution of supplies has become a major problem.
The civilians would not be linked to militant groups including Hamas but it remained unclear who they might be, the newspaper said. It said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had postponed a decision on the issue.
The Prime Minister’s office declined to comment on the report, which came a week after dozens of Palestinians were killed in an incident in which crowds surrounded a convoy of aid trucks entering northern Gaza and troops opened fire.
In the last 24 hours, at least three people have starved to death in Gaza as the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate. 
Three-year-old Ahmed Wael Ahl and another 15-year-old died from died of hunger and dehydration in Al-Shifa Medical Complex, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said.
They added that in Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, a 72-year-old man died from malnutrition and dehydration. 
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor warned of a “notable increase” in deaths among children and elderly. 
Lord David Cameron said on Friday the US-led plan to build a temporary harbour in Gaza to bring aid into the enclave would take time, reiterating his call for Israel to open the port of Ashdod in the meantime.
“It’s going to take time to build,” the foreign secretary said. 
“So the crucial thing is today the Israelis must confirm that they’ll open the port at Ashdod.”
Lord David Cameron said a judgment would be made on whether Israel remains compliant with international humanitarian law “in the coming days”.
Asked whether the UK could pressure Israel on Gaza aid by withholding arms sales, the Foreign Secretary told the World At One: “In terms of export licensing, that depends on the judgment that we make about international humanitarian law and that judgment is undergoing at the moment.
“I don’t want to give a running commentary on it but I’ve set out very clearly in Parliament and elsewhere the processes we have to go through and we’re going through them now.”
Pressed on when an answer could be expected, he said: “In the coming days definitely.”
Here is a roundup of the latest photos from Gaza.
At least 9,000 women have been killed since the fighting began on Oct 7, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza said in a statement Friday.
The statement said: 
Downing Street has released a statement about the planned marine aid corridor to Gaza, saying that British involvement included planning and surveying. A Number 10 spokesperson said: “We will and have been supporting it. We have supported the US in planning for the pontoon, including by sending marine surveyors and will now be working with partners to operationalise our maritime aid corridor from Cyprus.“We continue to be very clear that we need to go much further, not enough aid is getting into Gaza, and we continue to push them to take further action, to do more to protect civilians, to abide by international humanitarian law and allow more aid in and to protect foreign aid workers and to facilitate humanitarian operations.“We continue to impress the importance of this in our conversations and as you’ve seen today we are also taking action with our allies to get more vital aid in.”
A ship is preparing Friday to leave Cyprus and head for Gaza with humanitarian aid, the European Commission president has said. 
It comes as international donors launch a sea corridor to supply the besieged territory facing widespread hunger and shortages of essential supplies after five months of war.
The vessel, belonging to Spain’s Open Arms, will make a pilot voyage to test the corridor, Ursula von der Leyen told reporters in Cyprus, where she’s inspecting preparations for the sea corridor. 
The ship has been waiting at Cyprus’s port of Larnaca for permission to deliver food aid from World Central Kitchen, a US charity founded by celebrity chef José Andrés.
Israel said on Friday it “welcomes” a humanitarian aid corridor from Cyprus to the Gaza Strip, an initiative backed by the country’s key ally Washington and which the EU hopes can open Sunday.
“The Cypriot initiative will allow the increase of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, after a security check according to Israeli standards,” foreign ministry spokesman Lior Haiat said on X.
A joint Statement from the European Commission, the Republic of Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States Endorsing the Activation of a Maritime Corridor to Deliver Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza has been released. 
It calls the humanitarian situation in Gaza “dire” with “innocent Palestinian families and children desperate for basic necessities”, pledging that the countries will cooperate to supply aid. 
A humanitarian corridor via sea is vital, it adds, and must be part of “a sustained effort to increase the flow of humanitarian aid and commercial commodities into Gaza”. 
“We will continue to work with Israel to expand deliveries by land, insisting that it facilitate more routes and open additional crossings to get more aid to more people,” it says. 
“We affirm that protecting civilian lives is a key element of international humanitarian law that must be respected. And together, we must all do more to ensure aid gets to people who desperately need it.”
The United Nations human rights office said on Friday that an Israeli offensive in Gaza’s border town of Rafah could not be allowed to happen because it would cause massive loss of Palestinian lives.
“Should Israel launch its threatened military offensive into Rafah, where 1.5 million people have been displaced in deplorable, subhuman conditions, any ground assault on Rafah would incur massive loss of life and would heighten the risk of further atrocity crimes,” said Jeremy Laurence, spokesperson for the UN Human Rights Office.
“This must not be allowed to happen.”
Israeli troops “fired precisely” at Palestinians rushing to get aid in an incident that left 115 people dead, according to the country’s military. 
The Israeli military said that a review found that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) aimed at those who “posed a threat”. 
“The command review found that IDF troops did not fire at the humanitarian convoy, but did fire at a number of suspects who approached the nearby forces and posed a threat to them,” it said of the incident.
Israeli troops opened fire late last month on a crowd of Palestinians trying to get aid from trucks in northern Gaza. More than 100 people were killed in the incident. 
Israel said most of those were trampled or driven over by aid trucks in the chaos. 
The Hamas-run health ministry said most of the deaths were due to gunshots.
The new episode of the Telegraph’s Battle Lines podcast is now live. 
On this episode, we talk to our US editor Tony Diver about Super Tuesday and why it could mean unrest in America and abroad. 
Then we hear from Nataliya Vasilyeva, our Middle Correspondent, who has been revisiting the south of Israel to reflect on what has changed since those dark days following the October 7 attack by Hamas. 
Finally, South America correspondent Simeon Tegel gives us the lowdown on what’s happening in Haiti and why the man at the centre of the violence is known as Barbecue.
The UK will join the US and other allies to create a maritime corridor to deliver aid directly to Gaza, the Foreign Secretary has said.
US President Joe Biden used his State of the Union address on Thursday to announce that American troops would establish a temporary port on the Gaza coast aimed at increasing the flow of aid into the territory.
The move follows mounting concern about the level of aid getting into Gaza over land, with international bodies warning of an impending famine if current restrictions continue.
On Friday, Lord David Cameron said the UK would be working with the US to provide aid by sea.
He tweeted: “People in Gaza are in desperate humanitarian need.
“Alongside the US, the UK and partners have announced we will open a maritime corridor to deliver aid directly to Gaza.
“We continue to urge Israel to allow more trucks into Gaza as the fastest way to get aid to those who need it.”
Parachute carrying aid have been seen landing in Gaza amid warnings of food shortages and famine risk in the enclave. 
The US has hit Houthi targets in Yemen with a series of “self-defence” strikes. 
The targets included four mobile Houthi anti-ship cruise missiles and one unmanned aerial vehicle, according to the US Central Command (CENTOM)
Three missiles launched towards the Gulf of Aden from areas controlled by Houthis were also shot down. 
“These actions are taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for US navy and merchant vessels,” CENTCOM said. 
Attacks by the Houthis in the Red Sea have grown since the war in Gaza erupted. 
Earlier this week three sailors were killed during the militant’s first deadly attack on shipping. 
A record-level expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is in the works, potentially eliminating the change of a Palestinian state, the UN human rights chief said on Friday. 
Volker Türk said that the new settlements amounted to a war crime. 
“Settler violence and settlement-related violations have reached shocking new levels, and risk eliminating any practical possibility of establishing a viable Palestinian State,” Mr Türk said in a statement that accompanied a 16-page report.
The report documented 24,300 new Israeli housing units in the occupied West Bank during a one-year period, the highest on record since monitoring was launched in 2017. 
It added that there has also been an increase in the severity and regularity of both Israeli settler and state violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
US President Joe Biden warned Israel on Thursday that it cannot use aid as a “bargaining chip” in its fight against Hamas and called for an immediate temporary ceasefire in Gaza.
Using his annual State of the Union address to deliver some of his strongest comments yet, Mr Biden also ordered the US military to lead “an emergency mission” to build a temporary pier off Gaza to facilitate more aid deliveries.
His address was delivered to Congress as hopes dimmed for a new truce before the start of Ramadan after Hamas negotiators left talks with mediators in Egypt to consult with the movement’s leadership in Qatar.
“To the leadership of Israel I say this – humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip,” Mr Biden said. “Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority.”
The health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza said Friday at least 30,878 people have been killed in the territory during more than five months of war between Israel and Palestinian militants.
The latest toll includes 78 fatalities over the past 24 hours, a ministry statement said, while 72,402 people have been wounded in Gaza since the war broke out on October 7.
